Enter live chat room !

You will need to register at  http://chat.msn.com and develop your own password in order to enter the chat room. Just follow the directions after you point and click with your mouse pointer on  the hyperlink above.  After you register and sign in, just click your mouse pointer on the Join a Chat hyperlink. Type the name of the chat room, which is listed below, in the search window and you should find the hosted chat room on the days and times listed below.

bullet Interpersonal Relations
bullet Career Exploration
bullet Stress Management
Hosted Chat Room Times  Hosted Chat Room Times Hosted Chat Room Times
Monday Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday 
Thursday Thursday Thursday

You may chat with a professional educator, counselor, or psychotherapist via Instant Messenger or even arrange a NetMeeting conference..[ Free for students taking the Online Courses ]

bulletIf you have questions, or need specific instructions, email  rbrehm@msn.com   You may also call   253-833-9111, Extension 4307, or 206-930-4197. Facsimile telephone number is as follows :206-718-2908 

Copyright © 1998 [Robert D. Brehm, M.A.]. All rights reserved.